Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mind-Sets: Fixed & Growth

Core belief:  mind-sets have a powerful impact on student learning.

Dweck, C. S. (2010). Mind-sets and equitable education. Principal Leadership, 1, 26-29.

Fixed mind-set:  intelligence is static; may not have the ability to succeed; educators have no influence on student's intelligence; put people in categories & expect them to stay in negative stereotype; learning is the student's responsibility--may or may not have what it takes.

Growth mind-set:  intelligence can be developed; outperforms students with fixed mind-set; focused on learning, believed in effort, resilient in the setbacks; students highly motivated to learn; intellectual skills can be  molded and enhanced; teachers committed to finding a way for all students to learn; learning is a collaboration between student and teacher; students build abilities through effort; stereotyped group gains in learning; have permission to learn, make mistakes, and try again.
             Teachers---Students---Adults:  where are you on this continuum?

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